The Colorado Association of Peer Support Professionals

Empowering Your Career, Building Our Future

We’re revolutionizing the workforce, but we can’t do it alone. We need your voice, and the voices of all Peer Support Professionals. This work needs to come from within: from those doing the work, and doing it right. 

Who We Are

We are a vibrant community of Peer Support Professionals dedicated to advancing our careers and strengthening the peer support workforce of tomorrow. 

Membership with the Colorado Association of Peer Support Professionals opens doors. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a recent graduate of training, or anywhere in between, we welcome you – your journey to excellence in peer support begins here.

Join the Association

What's Included

Connection & Networking

Connect with Peer Support Professionals, Supervisors, leaders, and mentors through our networking events, conferences, and online forums.

Career Advancement

We create new career pathways, connecting members with employers, supporting their grievances, and empowering their professional growth.

Advocacy & Support

We're your voice in the workplace. We advocate for policies and initiatives that benefit our members and the broader behavioral health workforce.

Professional Development

We are committed to your professional growth – that's why we offer robust peer support training, designed to take your career to new heights. 

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